Well, I decided to join this. I have to admit this is my first time writting really in a blog/journal type thing. I'm sure this will be looked at and scoffed at by others, but I don't care. I need to let some thoughts and emotions out anyway.
This summer has been pure hell for me. God must have a sense of humor to let this continue. I still love her more than ever, and it would be much easier if I didn't. Everyone I have talked to said that I need to move on and that they knew that was 'the way she was'. But what about when we were together? They didn't see that side of her... Sometimes I wonder if I really did either. She's with him, now and she's happy. The other day I confronted her with some theories to why it fell apart and she did not want to hear me out.
First, I pointed out that she probably feels intellectually intimidated by my and not by him. Then I proceeded with examining my emphasis on the importance of family, something she hated about me. I know things weren't perfect in her family life, but hell, who's family life is perfect anymore anyway? I had spoken with her father previously that week, and I have to admit that I felt very sorry for him. He told me openly that he felt like he was just being used and that he doesn't know anything that's going on with his daughter anymore. He told me that she left because it is what she always does when things get difficult, she runs. Maybe he is right. Maybe that is what she is doing and maybe I'm the cause this time. Whatever the reason I told her that she should try and spend more time with him when she is around the area. So she said that she's tried and I challenged her statement... That is where she did not forgive me. Was it so wrong of me to try to help both of them by being honest? I suppose I would rather be yelled at and hated and my words taken into consideration rather than remain quiet and have her regret it the rest of her life. Lastly, I pointed at the reason that she blamed me entirely for: my insecurity. But I was not alone in this aspect, rather she further catalyzed it by being overflirtatious and seeking a jealous reaction out of me.
She was enraged by my theories and said she hated me... I asked them in order to fix things, not to further hinder. At the moment she refuses to speak to me. On all messengers I have been blocked and on MySpace I have been deleted. She had told me before that this break-up hurts her just as much. Sadly I do not believe that. She has someone. She can and does forget about me all the while I feel myself drifting in and out of potentially suicidal thoughts. She was right. I have become "unhinged". I have never loved someone so much, and even now when she hates me I still love her more than anything. We have done so much and I have so many memories with her, but I am afraid she doesn't even care. She knows I am in pain and chooses to ignore it and claim that it is merely attention-driven self-pity. There are times where I wonder if she personally felt what I was going through then maybe she would understand, but she doesn't even want to fathom what this is.
So once again I hear the ringing words of "move on" in my head. Can I? At this point I am clearly emotionally unstable and on the verge of breaking. Even if I did find another person I could never love them as I love her and I would be far too much trouble to deal with at the moment.
So what is this? A beginning? An end? Both? Or neither? My head hurts and my chest is burning. Thinking, remembering, loving, hating. It is all too much for me right now. Is this what she wants me to feel? Is that what this really is...? I need to focus... Stop dwelling. It's an overreaction, that's all. Nothing more. I need to press on for better or worse. She's not with me anymore. I need to accept that. But then my mind starts to question on whether I am going to go down without a fight... or not...