Friday, June 1, 2007

Of Masques and Martyrs

What if you had the power to change your appearance and your identity and start over again new?

Would it be a fair trade?

One life for another?

There was a time when I seriously considered the French Foreign Legion as a career possibility. To have the power to fade away from everyone else's memory as if just a memory of a memory in all of those around you. Joining the Legion would have given me French citizenship and a new identity. There are times when I think that if I had the possibility to start over that I would take it, but then I worry about certain family members and certain friends that just might care that I would disappear forever.

...Or would they?

Oh, to see her face on the announcement of my death. What I wouldn't give to see that. She would mourn for awhile and of course he would play the "nice guy" role and comfort her all the while taking advantage of the situation similar to one of his predecessors. And within a week I would be completely forgotten.

But what if we were to meet again under different circumstances...?

To kill one life and to give rise to another.

Fair trade.

However, I suppose I will attempt to dissuade myself from ever doing such a thing seeing as it is irrational.

But if all else fails mercenary or legionaire both sound like potential candidates.


Unknown said...

You could start your own Killer 7 team!
I'd definitely join. :3

Anonymous said...

it is something interesting to think upon. i used to want to do the whole "fade away from everyone" tactic, though not as one of those two job things. but it is a remarkable feeling, to disappear and possibly return as someone else. to see things from the outside looking in and just how everyone's reactions are.