Sunday, June 24, 2007


Wow... what to write. I know a few people read this so let me shy away from the specifics.

So much in so little time.

It's consuming me.

Even if I did want to elaborate it is entirely too much to explain.

I don't know what the future holds or if it even exists for me for that matter.

All I know is that something needs to change before I let this take over my life again.

I need someone who can calm me down, someone to tell me it will be alright and never leave my side.

In a terrible X-Men allusion, I need my Emma Frost.


Andrew Adrian said...

Be like me and ignore specifics most of the time...
I like to mull around in vague...pointless, run-on sentences.

Anonymous said...

it'll be alright *hug* and i'm not gonna leave your side... (would have written sooner but i just realized that i was able to view this)

i know what it's like for the entire world to come crashing down and to be uncertain about whether you really want to see tomorrow or not. you helped me tremendously in my darkest times; i wish i could do the same for you