Tuesday, June 5, 2007

High Stakes Poker

So everyone is dealt their own cards.

Some are better than others.

Bluffing comes in handy a lot.

When you're in trouble look cool and calm.

Simple enough.

Make others sweat.

Everyone has a chance.

Some odds are better than others.

They just have to play their cards right.

Just have to keep telling yourself not to fold...

That's the difficult part.

So the question comes: where is everyone at in the game right now...?


Unknown said...

I'm constantly wanting to fold in the game of life, but I force myself to trudge on.

When things get really bad it's hard to hide my feelings and act calm. I get anxious easily and tend to freak out instead.

I don't know how I've managed to survive so far.

Anonymous said...

to be honest, i'm finally at the rainbow that's at the end of my storm. sad thing is i'm only 19, so i'm just waiting quite worriedly about when i draw the next bad card. i am certain, however, that i'll know how to deal with it with much more ease. either way, i'm still afraid, because i dont want to... i'm terrified of losing everything again, while trying to keep a 'poker face' so as to not jynx myself