Finally... Everything is beginning to wind down and fall into place. I am now working full-time as an R&D Chemist and I absolutely love my job. I graduated with my bachelor's of science in chemistry. Since I have received my degree, I got a raise at said job. I will move into an apartment this month. I have been accepted into UMUC's master's of science biotechnology program which I will begin in the fall. I get to see my friends often and Jon and Erin might get an apartment near me also in the fall. I get to participate in Hudson-Alpha's BioTrain program that begins tomorrow. All in all... life is really good right now.
All of the crazy hell of last semester is slowly subsiding. And to be honest, it's about time. Even still, February hit harder to all of the scientists at the university... I really don't feel like talking about it here, though recovery for most is getting better.
Back to something less daunting. Among some of the graduation cards I received, one was... different. My aunt gave me a graduation card congratulating me and then asking "what's next?" ... ... ...I appreciate the sentiment, but this is someone who refuses to speak to our family and has since I was about 2. Some sort of family fallout that I was too young to remember. I just... people confuse me sometimes.

Glad things are working out for someone :) haha
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