Let me give a disclaimer that this will be more of a rant than any sort of insight into life.
That being said let's get started...
I see so many ungrateful kids now today that it is disgusting.
Maybe it was because I was taught the importance of family at a young age that I feel this way, but honestly... why don't kids respect/honor/spend time with their parents?
I am mature enough to know that everything my parents did for me was out of love. I don't always agree with their decisions, but I know that they were always trying to protect me. I know this.
But today, for so many kids to bitch about their parents, it gets quite annoying really. Sometimes, yes, I know their whining is legitimate, but no matter what their blood still courses through your veins and nothing will ever change that.
Even as you grow-up: SPEND TIME WITH YOUR BLOODY PARENTS. They will not always be alive. Help them do things, watch t.v. with them, something! Do not look to them as a source of money rather than one of the most influential people in your life!
I don't care if you were given the worst parents in the world, they still gave birth to you and you still need to respect them.